OUR DIN (RELIGION): ISLÂM 我們的(宗教):伊斯蘭教

November 16, 2023


Our din, Islam is a system of divine law. If a person of

sound mind chooses it as a way of life using their free will,

it will lead them the way to happiness and success both in

this world and the hereafter.

Beginning with Adam, the first man and the first Prophet, Allah has revealed His divine religions to mankind through his prophets. Allâh perfected our religion, Islam, through His Prophet Muhammad Mustafa One who has entered into the fold of Islam is called a Muslim. We should thank Allah with praise (Alhamdulillah) for the fact that we are Muslims.


Shari'ah literally means 'Religion'. The rules regarding Al- Ibadah (worship) and Al-Muamalah (conduct) are also called Shari'ah. In other words, Din is Shari'ah and vice versa,.

DıN(宗教):我們的喧囂,伊斯蘭教是一個神聖的法律體系。 如果一個心智健全的人利用自己的自由意志選擇它作為一種生活方式,它將引導他們在今世和來世走向幸福和成功之路。從第一個人和第一位先知亞當開始,安拉已經透過他的先知向人類揭示了他的神聖宗教。 真主透過祂的先知穆罕默德·穆斯塔法完善了我們的宗教-伊斯蘭教。加入伊斯蘭教的人被稱為穆斯林。 我們應該感謝安拉(Alhamdulillah),因為我們是穆斯林。SHARI'AH(伊斯蘭宗教法)Shari'ah 字面意思是「宗教」。 有關 Al-Ibadah(崇拜)和 Al-Muamalah(行為)的規則也稱為 Shari'ah。 換句話說,丁就是伊斯蘭教法,反之亦然。